Here’s What an Atheist’s “Let Reason Prevail” Banner Looks Like After It’s Been Slashed Up December 29, 2016

Here’s What an Atheist’s “Let Reason Prevail” Banner Looks Like After It’s Been Slashed Up

The other day, I mentioned that an atheist banner in Shelton, Connecticut’s Huntington Park was vandalized. The full absurd story of how that banner went up at all is right here.

I just received a picture of what that banner looked like after the fact… so here you go. It’s a slashed up sign that said “Let Reason Prevail.” (How’s that for irony?)


How weak must that vandal’s faith have been that he couldn’t handle a sign that offered an alternative perspective?

A police report mentioned that a city official observed “a male dressed in black [making] some type of striking motions at the Winter Solstice sign” but officers were unable to apprehend the suspect. It also notes that a nearby sign said the area was under 24 hour video surveillance… but when the cops asked for the footage, “they were never told who monitored the camera but [dispatch] believed that the camera didn’t work.”

Of course it didn’t.

That sound you hear is the silence of Christians who constantly claim they’re the ones being persecuted.

(Thanks to @pjmccann3 for the link)

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