An Atheist Tried Finding Love on Various Religious Dating Websites… At Least It Was Entertaining January 14, 2017

An Atheist Tried Finding Love on Various Religious Dating Websites… At Least It Was Entertaining

Hana Nobel, writing for The Bold Italic, attempted to meet the man of her dreams by trying various religious dating sites — everything from Christian Mingle to Atheist Passions (which is apparently a thing).

It didn’t go well.


I didn’t think I’d have much luck on a site that asked me for my favorite Bible passage. I didn’t have one, so I chose the Old Testament instead. (Hey, it was the one covered in Hebrew school!) My Christian friends informed me that choosing a whole book wasn’t technically a passage, and that I could go with a popular section like “Love is patient, love is kind,” but that brought back too many memories of a dying Mandy Moore in A Walk to Remember.

All the more reason to avoid niche dating websites unless you’re absolutely committed to the subject. Though if anyone has ever met another atheist from a site like Atheist Passions — as opposed to a regular dating site that lets you say you’re an atheist — I’d love to know about it. I have yet to hear that success story.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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