A Message to Religious Parents: Don’t Just Teach Your Kids the “Good” Parts of Your Faith March 12, 2017

A Message to Religious Parents: Don’t Just Teach Your Kids the “Good” Parts of Your Faith

YouTuber Alex J. O’Connor (a.k.a. CosmicSkeptic) has a response for religious parents who say they only teach their kids the “good bits” of their faith, setting aside the nonsense.

As if the good bits are really as wonderful as they think…


Even the best aspects of religion are clouded by irrational thinking. These parents, Alex says, are better off teaching their kids the entirety of their faiths, “warts and all.” It’ll help them become better critical thinkers.

And keep in mind that if you need to separate out the good bits of your religion, what are you saying about your faith in the first place? What are you trying to hide?

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