Creationist Ken Ham: The “Pope’s Wrong” to Say the Big Bang is Real and Atheists Can Be Good March 16, 2017

Creationist Ken Ham: The “Pope’s Wrong” to Say the Big Bang is Real and Atheists Can Be Good

On Tuesday, the Independent published some of Pope Francisbest quotations as a way to celebrate his fourth anniversary in the role. They included his lines in support of evolution and the Big Bang (both of which Catholics accept without a problem) and a line about how atheists should be seen as good people if they do good work (which says nothing about salvation).

That’s why, on Wednesday, Creationist Ken Ham responded with a bizarre mini-tweetstorm criticizing the Pope’s completely reasonable comments.





You know, I’m not surprised that Ham was unhappy with the evolution and Big Bang quotations… but what’s wrong with admitting atheists can be good people even if you believe they’re going to Hell?

The highlight, though, is Ham’s batshit crazy belief that “earth came before sun — not other way round” just because the Bible said that’s how it happened.

That’s the problem with putting all your faith in a single book that we know got so many things wrong. You’re forced to defend even the most irrational things it says.

Give the Pope credit. He gets plenty of things wrong, but at least the Catholic Church defers to scientific realities when it comes to the creation of the universe and how we got here.

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