This is Incredible Time Lapse Footage of Cell Division in a Tadpole Egg March 22, 2017

This is Incredible Time Lapse Footage of Cell Division in a Tadpole Egg

Every now and then, you see a science video that reaffirms just how amazing the subject is.

Filmmaker Francis Chee captured this incredible video of of a tadpole egg cell dividing (and dividing and dividing) in a process called cleavage — with the top part dividing much faster than the part below and the cell not yet growing in size. It goes from four cells to about four million cells.

The process you see takes about 33 hours, but it’s sped up to fit in a 23-second video. Because science doesn’t always adapt to human attention spans.


Those 23 seconds include more mind-blowing science than anything you’ll ever find at the Creation Museum.

(via This is Colossal)

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