These Atheists Are Leaving Their Vandalized Adopt-a-Highway Signs In Place To Send a Message April 10, 2017

These Atheists Are Leaving Their Vandalized Adopt-a-Highway Signs In Place To Send a Message

A few weeks ago, the Adopt-a-Highway signs near the Creation Museum — sponsored by the Tri-State Freethinkers (covering parts of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana) — were vandalized. Someone had splashed paint over them so that you couldn’t read the name of the group that had cleaned up that stretch of road since 2013.

There’s still no word on who did it or why.

The group tried removing the paint, but that didn’t work. They also could’ve called government officials to have the signs replaced. Instead of doing that, however, they went a different route. They just rewrote their group’s name over the black stains.

They’re leaving the black blot in place so that passers-by can see what atheists have to go through. As group President Jim Helton told me, “It is a reminder of all the work we have to do in order to be treated with equality and respect.”

They’ll continue cleaning up the roads and minds in the community regardless of who tries to get in their way. After all, given the road’s proximity to Ken Ham‘s empire, there’s a lot of pollution in both realms.

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