Kids Can Now Earn a “Merit Badge” for Rebutting the Boy Scouts’ Anti-Atheist Bias May 16, 2017

Kids Can Now Earn a “Merit Badge” for Rebutting the Boy Scouts’ Anti-Atheist Bias

We know the Boy Scouts of America doesn’t allow openly atheist members or leaders — their own policies say “no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God” — but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a merit badge that proudly displays your godlessness.


The Freedom From Religion Foundation, in collaboration with the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, is offering a Scarlet A badge to anyone who can explain why the Scouts are wrong about atheists.

At Dawkins’ suggestion, the Scout is also required to send FFRF a short essay that addresses BSA’s claim that nonbelievers can’t be good citizens. Unlike BSA badge providers, FFRF will not charge Scouts money for the badge.

Boys and girls are welcome to apply. Sure, the Boy Scouts won’t honor the badge, but we already know the organization lacks good judgment. Wear it anyway.

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