Neil deGrasse Tyson Takes His Sweet Time Answering a Simple Question About God May 17, 2017

Neil deGrasse Tyson Takes His Sweet Time Answering a Simple Question About God

Do you believe in God?

I can answer that question in about a second.

Neil deGrasse Tyson needs nearly two full minutes when responding to comedian Chelsea Handler.


It’s not a bad answer. But Tyson, as usual, goes out of his way to avoid saying “No.”

I’m torn between being infuriated that he won’t just be honest and understanding that he has a strategic reason for it.

I’m guessing that he thinks saying “No” would result in a large chunk of his audience tuning out for the rest of what he has to say. A yes or no question doesn’t require a monologue in response. That’s what politicians do. Scientists should take a simpler route.

(via The Morning Heresy)

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