Psychic Injured in Freak Accident “Didn’t Foresee It Happening” (But His Tour Will Go On) June 12, 2017

Psychic Injured in Freak Accident “Didn’t Foresee It Happening” (But His Tour Will Go On)

Blair Robertson, who makes a living as a “psychic,” was sitting in a restaurant a couple of weeks ago when a car drove through the window, hitting him hard enough that he slammed against a wall.

Scary stuff. And it was all caught on video. It’s safe for work — only because everyone is (relatively) okay.


Robertson is recovering from his injuries, but he’s in good spirits and even joking about the situation.

“I didn’t foresee it happening.”

I’m assuming he said that with a self-deprecating wink, but headline writers had a field day with that one.

It does raise an interesting question, though. Robertson has five psychic shows scheduled in July. If he didn’t see the car coming — and it nearly cost him his life — why should anyone trust him?

Are any of the attendees even asking themselves that question?

I’m guessing no. Which tells you everything you need to know about why these cons work. The psychics can never lose, and their victims never bother questioning their claims.

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