Christian Right Group Is Furious That TGI Fridays Says “Hell” in a Commercial June 16, 2017

Christian Right Group Is Furious That TGI Fridays Says “Hell” in a Commercial

The Christian Right group One Million Moms (Number of Twitter followers: 3,743) is furious with the chain restaurant TGI Fridays for airing a commercial with the word “Hell.”


The newest TGI Fridays commercial says, “To the friends that say hell yeah to happy hour.” They should not use the word hell in an ad. We all know children repeat what they hear.

TGI Fridays’ “hell yeah” ad is irresponsible and offensive. This inappropriate advertisement is airing during primetime on numerous networks when children are likely watching. It is extremely destructive and damaging to impressionable children viewing the commercial.

If kids aren’t supposed to hear the word “Hell,” can we safely assume those moms won’t be taking their kids to church anymore…?

By the way, One Million Moms is run by the American Family Association, whose Executive Vice President Ed Vitagliano just published an article yesterday with the headline “Will You Cower Before the Lies of Hell?”

It’s okay when they use the word to refer to a place of eternal torture.

But when a restaurant casually mentions the word to emphasize enthusiasm, it’s “irresponsible,” “offensive,” “extremely destructive,” and “damaging to impressionable children.”

How’s that for hypocrisy?

(Image via Shutterstock)

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