Watch This College Student Translate a Campus Preacher’s Rant in Real Time June 17, 2017

Watch This College Student Translate a Campus Preacher’s Rant in Real Time

You know those campus preachers who yell at students to abandon a life of homosexuality and fornication? Well, there’s a new way to troll them.

Forget the Bingo cards. Put down the signs. All you need is someone willing to be a Preacher Translator like this student at UC San Diego.


That student, according to The Tab, is Jerry Ramirez, a Visual Arts student originally from New Zealand.

PREACHER: … If you listen to Elton John all the time, you might get to gay.

JERRY: You can catch gayness from listening to Elton John. Please be aware!

PREACHER: [Theater] is infested with the gays.

JERRY: Infested!

PREACHER: But just because you major in theater does not mean you’re gay.

JERRY: However if you do major in theater, you might not be gay. It’s just a higher possibility!

I know it’s counter-intuitive for people who value reason, but sometimes the best way to drown out loud ignorant people is simply by amplifying their bullshit even louder. Online, that means showing people what religious extremists are doing and quoting right-wing Christians verbatim. When people realize how absurd these people are, there’s hope that anyone watching or listening will want nothing to do with them.

That video is only a minute long, but you can see the full 12 minutes of glory right here:

(Thanks to Melissa for the link)

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