Heretics! is a History of Reason vs. Religion in 17th Century Europe June 20, 2017

Heretics! is a History of Reason vs. Religion in 17th Century Europe

Steven and Ben Nadler have produced a fascinating new graphic novel called Heretics! (Princeton University Press) that walks readers through the ideas of those 17th century philosophers who dared to defy the Church. The first page features Giordano Bruno being burned at the stake.


The whole novel is a testament to how reason overcame religion time and time again — and how the Church opposed it at nearly every turn before embracing it and reconfiguring their own vision of God.

There’s an excerpt at The Atlantic if you’d like to see the opening chapter.

Heretics!: The Wondrous (and Dangerous) Beginnings of Modern Philosophy is now available online and in bookstores.

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