Christian Evangelist, Upset by Facebook’s Rainbow Emoji, Wants a Cross Option June 26, 2017

Christian Evangelist, Upset by Facebook’s Rainbow Emoji, Wants a Cross Option

In honor of June being Pride month, Facebook is now allowing users to respond to posts and comments with a Pride flag emoji. All you have to do is “Like” the LGBTQ@Facebook page to add the flag to your roster of reactions — at least until the end of the month.

That’s infuriating to Christian evangelist Joshua Feuerstein, who clearly sees the rainbow reaction as a form of Christian Persecution. That’s why he wants Facebook to offer a Cross emoji for people who aren’t defying God’s will.

He’s sharing someone else’s post, but his endorsement matters because of how frequently his posts get shared.

As usual, he lacks any ability to see this in context. Feuerstein seems to think celebrating any views other than his own — or honoring people who don’t live the way he wants them to — is an insult to his beliefs.

Facebook is commemorating Pride month as a way to promote inclusion for a traditionally oppressed group of people. Christians aren’t oppressed no matter how much they whine to the contrary. And it’s not like any other religious group has a reaction emoji symbol. You can’t click on the Star of David when a friend says she got a new job.

Plus, we know Christians already have a unique way to respond to comments.

It’s called the Caps Lock button.

On a side note, maybe the best part about Feuerstein’s post is how many people are reacting to it using rainbow flags. That has to sting.

(Thanks to Ellen for the link)

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