Murdered: A Soul’s Agreement?

Murdered: A Soul’s Agreement? January 23, 2017

Are murdered souls responsible for planning their own demise?  Are they restless on the other side or, do they become angry souls as a result?  This week’s video is all about what happens when someone’s life is taken from them.  Thanks to Amanda Jourdain for such an amazing question!

Morning Jay – My daughter and I were discussing Spirits and the Afterlife this morning. And we discussed that each Soul, prior to coming into this world, makes its plan, we all have this plan. Through suicides, Souls broke their contract and have to learn the lessons…when it’s a sudden death…it can either be the plan or the body just could not function…when it’s an illness, this was the Soul’s plan…BUT, what if it was murder/killed by another human? Was this a “Plan” for that Soul’s life? Would this Soul be upset because life was taken from them?

This was a very interesting conversation I had with my daughter and I was stumped…


Photo Credit:  Agree by Catkin @ Pixabay

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