In case you are interested, I wanted to let you know that my book, LOST: A Search for Meaning, is now available as a Kindle edition on Amazon. For those who may be unfamiliar, Kindle is an e-book system, where you can download the entire book to a portable reader, not unlike MP3s for music, but you still can read it just like a book.
This is often a less expensive way to get books, and it also saves trees, so I’m excited to have a book available this way.
Currently, LOST is #13 on one of the “bestseller” e-book lists on Amazon, and it would be great to see it jump up closer to the top. If you know anyone who is into Kindle or similar e-book formats and they dig LOST, please send this their way.
For a direct link to the e-book, click here.
Thanks, and happy holidays.
Christian Piatt, Author
MySpace to Sacred Space and
Lost: A Search for Meaning