Is Wealth a Sin?

Is Wealth a Sin? January 22, 2014

A recent report by OXFAM offered some sobering data about both the concentration and flow of wealth in the world today. A few key points, also summarized by a new business article on The Atlantic website , include:

The richest 85 people in the world control as much wealth as the poorest 3,000,000,000 people;

Nineteen out of 20 “G20” countries are experiencing growing income inequality between rich and poor;

In the United States in particular, 95 percent of the post-financial-crisis capital growth has been amassed by the richest 1 percent of Americans;

While domestic income inequality continues to grow, the income tax rates for wealthiest Americans have steadily dropped.

My first reaction to seemingly immoral concentrations of wealth, and the systems that enable it, is anger and a compulsion to call them out, to change them and to distribute the world’s treasures evenly among all of God’s people.

But what if we need the insanely wealthy to realize a kingdom-inspired vision for our world?

This is an exclusive article I wrote for Sojourners. Read the full article HERE.

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