FFRF Places Full-Page Anti-National Day of Prayer Ad in Washington Post May 2, 2013

FFRF Places Full-Page Anti-National Day of Prayer Ad in Washington Post

If you open up today’s Washington Post, you will see this lovely ad (click to enlarge):

FFRF advises prayerful public officials to “Get off your knees and get to work.”

FFRF’s ad warns: “There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and war, and all evil in the state, as religion.”

FFRF adds: “Nothing fails like prayer. The solutions to humanity’s problems won’t ever come from above. It’s time to place our best energies in making this world better, this world our paradise.”

I’m smirking at the thought of how some people must have spit out their coffee this morning when they opened their newspaper.

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