October 4, 2024

Trump’s Crowds Donald Trump makes a huge deal about how many people he gets at his political rallies. He likes to tell the numbers, often exaggerating them. But now he’s catching flack from both the media and his opponent, Kamala Harris, about the people who leave his rallies early because he speaks so long. Harris said the other day that people are leaving Trump’s rallies early due to “exhaustion and boredom.” Trump recently fired back at a town hall meeting... Read more

October 2, 2024

Yesterday, I posted, “Tim Walz Ruled!” I meant that in the vice presidential debate last night between Democrat Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz and Republican Donald Trump’s running mate J. D. Vance, for most Americans watching it Walz won. How so? Morality was on the line, and Walz proved more moral than Vance. But that’s not what most expert analysts have been saying ever since, thus in the past 24 hours. Most of them claim Vance won the debate... Read more

October 1, 2024

WOW! There sure must be a lot of very capable high school teachers and football coaches out there in America! Democrat Tim Walz, who used to be one of them, proved it tonight in the only vice presidential debate, hosted by CBS, that will be conducted before the presidential election November 5th. He debated Republican J. D. Vance. J. D. Vance is Donald Trump’s vice presidential running-mate, and Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running-mate. Sixty-year old Walz—after many years as... Read more

October 1, 2024

According to medical practitioners, the U.S. is experiencing a mental health crisis that is especially commonplace among the Z generation (Zoomers: ages 11-26) and the Millennial generation (Millennials: ages 27-43). According to a study by George Barna, the U.S. medical community says nearly half of Millennials and over half of Zoomers “regularly experience anxiety, fear, and depression.” They say at least one in three Millennials have at least one diagnosable mental disorder. Barna Says Worldview Affects Mental Health A new... Read more

September 29, 2024

Who Is Jeff Flake? Jeff Flake is a cool guy in his viewpoint on politics and the way he expresses himself about it. In the U.S. presidential Biden administration, he has been serving as U.S. ambassador to Turkey the past two years. So, Flake is a Republican who has been working for a Democratic administration. How did that happen? I lived in Arizona for 25 years, and I’ve been an independent voter all my life who has always voted for... Read more

September 26, 2024

Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst, an associate professor at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, caused controversy Monday with her speech at the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Incheon, South Korea. It caused her to have to later clarify her remarks to the 5,000 delegates in attendance after Congress Director David Bennett apologized to them for some of her remarks. “Hostages” Held by Israel? This conference is famous for its purpose, which is to bring together Christian leaders throughout... Read more

September 25, 2024

Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein has been the King of Jordan since 1999. Schooled in the West, he has been a level-headed ruler, with insight and wisdom regarding Mid-East turmoil and a promoter of inter-religious dialogue, especially between Muslims and Christians. His wife Queen Rania is just as wise as he is about these matters and equally articulate. ABC News interviewed her yesterday about the current Israel-Hamas War in Gaza, which has now lasted almost one year, and what now appears... Read more

September 24, 2024

Trump said last Thursday at a political campaign event in Washington, D.C., that was focused on denouncing anti-semitism, “If I don’t win this election, the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.” Trump then repeated this allegation at a second event that was centered on Israeli Americans. He said they would be “voting for the enemy.” He also predicted it would cause the destruction of Israel. For multiple decades, Donald Trump has been enchanted with Adolf... Read more

September 23, 2024

Traditional Cross Throughout the 2,000-year history of Christianity, the traditional view of the shape of Jesus’s cross has been a vertical post or stake with a crossbeam attached to it near the top of the post, but not at the top as in the shape of the letter T. The two words used in the Greek New Testament to described Jesus’ cross are stauros and xylon, and neither of them indicate its shape. In modern times, some scholars have challenged... Read more

September 21, 2024

Wuhan Market Origin A new analysis of the origin of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus by an elite, international, research team further confirms China’s determination—that COVID-19 originated at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in the mega-city Wuhan. I suggested this in my book, Moses Predicted COVID-19, which I wrote in three months and began the process of publishing it in June, 2020. Lab Leak Origin Theory Some people had opposed this determination, alleging that COVID-19 originated near this seafood market in a... Read more

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