Augustine on Concealed Revelation

Augustine on Concealed Revelation August 9, 2015

Concealed revelation – its’s about the nature of God as comprehended by the limits of our rationality – God is the most obvious, yet most beyond our understanding. Aquinas called it ipsum esse subsistens – subsisting Being itself. Where all other living things are a combination of essence and existence , for God there is no distinction, His existence is His essence. God is pure Act (all activity with no potential), immanent in all things, yet infinitely transcending our understanding – perhaps more concisely stated by  St. Augustine – God is “interior intimo meo et superior summo meo”

“God is beyond our utmost heights but more inward to us than the inner most depths”

Augustine, Confessions 3.6.11

Image Credit: “Saint Augustine of Hippo” by The Bettmann Archive (Wikimedia Commons)



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