April 18, 2014

All spiritual traditions recognize that there are times when it appears that the Gods have turned their backs on us. The Divine link that we may have sensed within us and within our rituals disappears. But then, when there seems there is no way forward, something happens -- we go back to the beginning. Read more

March 21, 2014

Art and magick, imagination and invocation, are creative acts that define us as humans. Our creative imagination is the origin of science and technology, of art and music, of all that makes us who and what we are. We seek to emulate nature, but we also seek breakthroughs into other states of consciousness that seem to take us beyond the universe as we know it through the physical senses. Read more

February 21, 2014

Reflections on the silver anniversary of Vivianne Crowley's book, Wicca. Is Wicca the last flowering of the Age of Pisces, a romantic longing for a vanishing mystical past? Or is it a natural religion for a post-modern age; one in which the feminine, individuality, difference, personal autonomy and authority, acceptance of the body and its needs, and a willingness to accept different interpretations of the Divine sit comfortably side by side? Read more

January 24, 2014

The natural world is essential for human well-being – physical, psychological and spiritual. Newer sciences such as ecopsychology recognize what Paganism has long accepted – that our psyches are deeply connected to and affected by the world of nature. Read more

December 20, 2013

Yuletide is truly Pagan, in the sense that it celebrates warmth, food, and also the ecstatic. Solstice has long been a time of spiritual renewal and religious celebration; but also a time to drink, dance, make music and love; when all acts of love and pleasure are truly Her rituals. Read more

November 22, 2013

All Pagan paths emphasize the importance of enjoying life on earth and life in the body. This month, we celebrate joy, compassion, and the life of Olivia Robertson, founder of the Fellowship of Isis. Read more

November 11, 2013

Many of you will have seen on news programs the devastation in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda). The Pagan community in the Philippines seem to all be safe, but some have lost their homes and many people are lacking food, water and shelter. Our friends in Pagan Federation International Philippines are appealing for help. Read more

October 18, 2013

Why does consciousness awareness bring such pain? Unlike gods, we have frail physical bodies. We have the self-awareness of the divine, but the fragility of a beautiful flower that blooms for only a short time before it is blown away on the wind. Read more

September 20, 2013

Linked to harmony and balance is an inner spiritual state which we could call a sense of propriety, fitness or appropriateness. This is found in ancient Egyptian tradition in the Goddess Maat. Maat is depicted in Egyptian temple art as a Goddess with a feather in her hair; but for those of us who are less theistic, Maat can be thought of as an abstract principle of what is right and fitting. Read more

August 23, 2013

Whether we live in the centre of a city or in the countryside, we are dependent on the crop cycle for food and life. The reality of humankind’s dependence on the natural world is all around us. Read more

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