Elevating the Ancestors

May the Holy Powers and other helpful ancestors give him/her the strength to persevere in all good resolution, to meet the tests of his/her wyrd rightly and well. May these benevolent and loving words mitigate and sooth his/her pain. May they give him/her a demonstration that someone in Midgard acknowledges, remembers, and takes part in his/her sorrows. May X know that we wish him/her happiness.

At this point, offer the glass of water to X. Put X's picture and the glass of water on a book (cover it with a pretty cloth so it's aesthetically pleasing). Remain meditating and praying for as long as you wish.

When you are ready to end the ritual, you may leave the candle burning for a bit, or blow it out. Do thank the elemental power of fire for holding and consecrating the space as you blow out the four corner candles. Thank the Gods and ancestors and then your ritual is over.

Repeat this for nine consecutive nights. Each night, clean, fresh water should be offered and the water and picture lifted by the addition of a new book. After the ninth day, the picture and offering glass of water can be placed on top of the main ancestral altar.

A Few Caveats
If the candle or the glass breaks, you should do three things:

  1. Start the entire elevation over.
  2. Call upon your disir, and other strong and protective ancestors to guide and watch over the ritual.
  3. Put pieces of camphor in the water. (In traditional folk magic, and in spiritualism from which the concept of elevations originally evolved, camphor is protective. It keeps destructive spirits away.)

If the altar is very active, change the camphor every day and do not use the candle. Usually your strongest ancestors will come forward to help with the elevations anyway.

I have found that the dead like to be remembered with food, drink, and offerings but also with music. It would not be inappropriate to offer music during this ritual. At the end of the whole thing, when the elevation is complete, it is always good to make an offering to all your ancestors, and to make an offering to the Gods upon Whom you called for help.

You may do elevations for the same ancestor multiple times. It does not hurt. In fact, with particularly damaged or angry ancestors, or tangled wyrd, you may have to. It's not a bad gift, though, to give a beloved and healthy ancestor as well.

6/14/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Pagan
  • Highway to Hel
  • Ancestors
  • Prayer
  • Ritual
  • Paganism
  • Galina Krasskova
    About Galina Krasskova
    The author of several books on the Northern Tradition, Galina Krasskova is a Heathen priest, shaman, and devotee of Odin. She blogs at Gangleri's Grove.