Read an Excerpt From "Let Your Spirit Guides Speak"

So what qualifications do you need? If you're breathing, you're in. If you haven't been to church in twenty years—or ever—you're in. If you've served time, you're in. If you consider yourself the most ordinary, unremarkable person (and I assure you that you're not), you're in.

In other words, you don't have to go to seminary, be born again, or profess faith in any way to anything to earn a relationship with your guides. You just have to listen. I'll show you how. Over the centuries, mystics were considered a rare group of people who could talk to God directly. That made us think that they had special powers—probably unattainable powers. But the truth is, we all have that same ability to talk to Spirit. We just don't know how to use it. And if you think you don't want to be a mystic or you're afraid of mystical ability because it's too much responsibility, ask for your fears about it to be healed.

Being a mystic in my book means that you're aware of energy or a presence beyond our five senses, and you make an effort to communicate in some way. When you do that, you'll start having mystical experiences. Not crazy, unpredictable séance and Ouija board experiences, but everyday part-of-life experiences.

As my mentor and friend Dorothy used to say, "Some people are so spiritual that they're no earthly good." In other words, the goal of the mystic is not to denounce our humanness, but to remember that there's more available to us than what we can see in physical form.

In meeting and building a relationship with your guides, you may start to feel a comforting presence. You may have significant dreams. You may receive strong impressions about what you should or shouldn't do. You may feel a sense of protection. You may stand at the dishwasher and hear something as mundane as "Sears."

Make time for this relationship, just as you would for your children or friends. Wear your title of "mystic" proudly. Take walks in the woods to listen. Honor messages as they come. And as your ego pops up to discredit them, ask for your fear-based thoughts to be healed. Get a t-shirt that says, "I'm a mystic with mushroom soup casseroles."

Do whatever it takes to acknowledge and elevate this role in your life. Because, believe me, once you claim your inner mystic, life will never be the same.

9/16/2016 4:00:00 AM
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