Quietude: 'Tis a Gift to Be Silent

On November 11, 2014 Thich Nhat Hanh experienced a massive cerebral hemorrhage. At the present time, he is not yet able to speak. His Silence becomes that much more precious.

One more thing. If you haven't already noticed, Parallax Press, the publishing arm of his spiritual community, has recently launched an innovative series called "Mindfulness Essentials." Thus far, they've released How To Sit, How To Walk, How To Eat, and How To Love, in a compact 4"x6", two-color illustrated paperback format that's snugly in between a short story and a novella in length, and priced under ten dollars. (Up next, How to Relax). Finding a need and filling it, these wonderful books are a skillful way of addressing essential gists and piths of mindfulness for today's faster pace. Moreover, each page is designed to be complete unto itself, so the immediate experience of the book itself becomes integral to its teachings. In a world of mindless intoxications, here are oases of sobriety and sanity for us all.

12/2/2022 9:04:52 PM
  • Books
  • Mindfulness
  • Peace
  • Silence
  • Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Buddhism
  • Gary Gach
    About Gary Gach
    Gary Gach is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Buddhism (Nautilus Award) and editor of What Book!? Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop (American Book Award). His work has appeared in such magazines and anthologies as AsianArt.com, BuddhaDharma, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Inquiring Mind, Language for a New Century, The New Yorker, Shambhala Sun, Technicians of the Sacred, Tricycle, Veterans of War Veterans of Peace, Whole Earth Review, and Yoga Journal.