Protestant and Catholic Mormons

The danger of identifying too closely with being not-Catholic is that we will forget that we are also not-Protestant. Not dominates in that thinking when instead Restoration should: God's revelation through Joseph Smith was a revelation of restoration, the restoration — the restoring or healing — of both the individual and the community. There are many to admire on both sides of the Protestant/Catholic divide, as well as outside the sphere defined by that slash, in the Orthodox and Eastern churches, for example. But we must also remember those in our own tradition, such as Parley and Orson Pratt. Perhaps they can offer us models for how to deal with the issues we currently face. Perhaps by looking to them we will find heroes on whom we can model thoughts and acts of restoration rather than the not to which we too often now take recourse.

12/2/2022 9:09:21 PM
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  • James Faulconer
    About James Faulconer
    James Faulconer is a Richard L. Evans Professor of Religious Understanding at Brigham Young University, where he has taught philosophy since 1975.