Beginning the Pagan Restoration

Finally, I wish to more thoroughly explore a notion I've discussed previously (here and here). Pagans are the shadow of western civilization. We are the rejected, the forgotten, and the repressed of our culture. Yet, while we are so burdened, this position also gives us a tremendous point of leverage to change our society, for as Jung taught, it is to the Shadow we must go when we are unable to find solutions in the face of challenge. Our human world is facing its greatest crisis yet. I believe this crisis is a necessary stage for humanity to achieve its adulthood, growing out of consuming everything around and soiling our bedding. The only solutions being presented perpetuate and do not solve the crisis. I believe that the Pagan way can contribute to a vision of a world that works, but only if we are taken seriously; and this requires Pagan Restoration.

Come join with me. We can do this.

12/2/2022 9:09:57 PM
  • Pagan
  • Pagan Restoration
  • History
  • Paganism
  • Sam Webster
    About Sam Webster
    Sam Webster is a Mage, Mason, Sorcerer, Seminarian, and Pagan Priest, restoring the way of the Gods.