Preaching Prosperity in a Recession

Both the Bible-based and the personal stories of hardship demonstrate to followers that prosperity can emerge even at the most unsuspecting times. In fact, the current recession seems to instill in prosperity gospel preachers like Siddiki and Dollar a certain confidence that their message is still relevant. It's easy to attribute one's affluence to God when things are going well. And despite what many may assume, they've also successfully managed to work through this economically troubling period by tackling the issue head-on and making it personal.

As Dr. Siddiki advises, "In troubled times, don't let your heart be troubled. Instead, let it be filled with the knowledge of God's Word. When you do, you too can prosper in any recession."

7/23/2009 4:00:00 AM
  • Money
  • Christianity
  • Nicole Greenfield
    About Nicole Greenfield
    Nicole Greenfield is a writer based in New York City and a contributor to the Patheos Public Square. She has an M.A. in Religious Studies, with a journalism focus, from New York University and a B.A. in Religion from Dickinson College. Her particular...