Shani Oates: Maid of the Clan of Tubal Cain, Part 2

No amount of intellectualizing or understanding alone will induce these experiences; in fact, it may seriously compromise it. Paradoxically, unwarranted passion induces a fervor of desire that also blocks complete sublimation of the self. The late Magus Bill Gray said, "We survive by Spirit and Matter, but we evolve through Mind and Soul. Inspired by our ideas we grow into our Gods, for they are what we must become!" Only a balance of Mind and Soul (heart) combining hermetic and orphic practice will bring us to the equilibrium, the Qutub point of spiritual evolution. Bill Gray also believed that all rites and ritual came under the auspices of Hermes Trismegistus, prevalent again within the threefold way of inner illumination of the aspirant, awake upon the path of gnosis.

We consider the celestial causalities as primary, not those tied into the land; we seek harmony with the Source, not Gaia. I would say the titanic, primal forces are of creation rather than of nature, which distinguishes them from fertility and from the land; they are in fact cosmological. Within the Clan of Tubal Cain this instigated the concept of ‘the fall' where our disconnection, our humanity was reflected back onto the primal forces and they became debased and trivial. The divine flame (Lucifer) is beyond this and is the essence by which we may aspire to transcend the hyle, the form of our nature. We seek to transcend this form through knowledge, not of the deities we created but the forces that created, enlightened, and now guide us; we need only allow them access. "In fate and the overcoming of fate lies the True Grail."

In the preface to your new book Tubelo's Green Fire, Robin-the-Dart (Magister of Clan Tubal Cain) writes, "The purpose of this book is to convey, in principle, the Word. And the Word conveys Revelation." What or who is the Word? Are we considering something similar to the idea of the Logos as First Principle?


A Jesuit paleontologist has described the thinking layer of our existence as the noosphere, placing it alongside the lithosphere, the atmosphere, and biosphere in terms of existence. Within this noosphere of the Earth, each one of us is as a sub-atomic cell within our own brain, contributing to the whole whilst remaining oblivious of it, at least consciously. Individual consciousness simply flows from the greater sea of consciousness of the source, each vibratory strand terminating in the self. In this sense we believe ourselves to be individuals, yet in reality we collectively form the Multi-Verse of Gaia, linked in symbiosis with all other living, forms of sentient force. She is the Noosphere, the Logos, the Spirit of Creation, the Universal spirit of Consciousness—Psyche. The Gnostics prayed to Grace as the divine (wisdom) feminine principle—The Trimorphic Protennoia, the triple-formed Primal Thought, who bears more than a passing association with Hekate! Acceptance brings individuation.

In the Nag Hammadi texts (Pistis Sophia/Virgin of Light), the Magdalene is associated closely with Sophia, the partner of God; she is both the Word and Wisdom. Scholars now believe strong elements of eroticism prevalent among the texts reveal the true nature of this relationship. Serpents have always denoted wisdom and these too are totems of Hekate. Sophia is the judge of the dead and this is another role attributable to Hekate, rather than Isis. Moreover it was the (Roman) Christian Gnostics who identified Sophia with Isis. From their Roman cultural viewpoint, Isis became the predominant ‘Queen of Heaven' usurping several former claimants to this title. Disguised as Sophia, her role as savior within the obscure realms of philosophy deeply affected scholars, alert to her true forms of Illuminatrix and Initiatrix.

Truth is the Grail of being, the wisdom of Sophia. She is the Anima-Mundi, the World Soul, the collective soul of humanity. When all are redeemed, she is redeemed, and thus re-united within the One, all unite within a blaze of effulgent glory; all existence ceases and no souls re-incarnate. She is the Fire of Prometheus, the Luciferian Gnosis of Tubal Cain.

Some of the imagery or symbols used by the Clan appear to have biblical references (the Word, Lucifer; even Tubal Cain has a mention in the book of Genesis). Are they biblical references, and, if so, how can biblical references be reconciled or used in Traditional Craft, when one would think that the two are diametrically opposed?

1/25/2011 5:00:00 AM
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