Debt-Ceiling Dreams

Suddenly, members of Congress rose to their feet. "You lie!" they screamed. They called Jim a socialist, a communist, a tax-and-spend Democrat. Jim responded with something about being an independent, but his single voice was drowned out by their yelling.

The mayhem startled me, and I again awoke. Still drowsy, I looked down at the Bible lying open on my lap. A gentle breeze blew and the page turned. Now the fifth chapter of James demanded my attention. As I read it, I began to pray, "Lord, have mercy" once again. But my heart told me that we need more than mercy. So I began to pray for more than mercy. I began to pray for our world—beginning with my own nation—to become more just. More compassionate. More equitable. More right.

The more I prayed, the more awake I became, yet the more real my dreams seemed to be.

Click here for background on the economic data presented in this dream. For more on the theological data, see James 5:1-20.

7/13/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Progressive Christian
  • Debt
  • Debt Ceiling
  • politics
  • Christianity
  • Brian McLaren
    About Brian McLaren
    Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and networker among innovative Christian leaders. His dozen-plus books include A New Kind of Christianity, A Generous Orthodoxy, Naked Spirituality, and Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? He and his wife, Grace, live in Florida and have four adult children and four grandchildren. He's an avid wildlife and outdoors enthusiast. His newest book, We Make the Road by Walking, is available now and offers 52+ fresh readings of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.