Father McGivney and the Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus put the lie to the charge that Catholics weren't good Americans (President John F. Kennedy was a member). They fought anti-Catholicism while promoting religious freedom for all Americans, ministered to troops during wartime, and donated heavily to religious and patriotic causes. Today the Knights continue to promote Christian service and fraternity, while defending the Church in a rapidly secularizing era.

Our recent celebration of Columbus Day offers a good opportunity to reflect on the life and legacy of Venerable Michael J. McGivney, who may one day be the first American parish priest raised to the honors of the altar. The day also challenges us to consider what it really means to be fully Catholic and fully American.

Venerable Michael McGivney, pray for us!  


10/10/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Catholic
  • In Ages Past
  • Anit-Cathoicism
  • Father McGivney
  • Knights of Columbus
  • Roman Catholicism
  • Pat McNamara
    About Pat McNamara
    Dr. Pat McNamara is a published historian. He blogs about American Catholic History at McNamara's Blog.