Jesus Rose and This Is What We Get? March 23, 2008

Jesus Rose and This Is What We Get?

I didn’t see this as making fun of the Jesus story as much as it makes a statement about fundamentalist Christianity…


(via Mr. Fish)

[tags]atheist, atheism[/tags]

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  • Huh. The first thing I asked my mom this morning was if Jesus had seen his shadow or not. (Being a ministers wife, she didn’t find it funny.)

    But you’re right – it’s not really funny when it’s *that* true and sad at the same time.

  • No, it’s not funny. In fact it’s downright tragic when you consider that the point of the Resurrection is precisely the opposite of intolerance, brutality, and oppression.

  • Maria

    I agree Hemant. I’ve felt that way for a long time, even when I was still religious

  • I think the concept of salvation through faith alone is tragic. I’m grateful for people, religious and non religious alike who work to better humanity, for the sake of bettering humanity, either with no religious motivation, or as a sort of big “thanks, buddy” for being alive.

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