I Will Not Be Silent with My Disdain… December 13, 2011

I Will Not Be Silent with My Disdain…

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  • No all who disagrees with the Islam are Fox News watchers. You were wrong in your criticism of Ernest and you are digging yourself in deeper by continuing to try to assassinate his character. This was mean, in accurate, and uncalled for. It would be like saying that anyone who criticizes the Jewish religion must be a Nazi.

  • The part of the Nazis will be played today by Fox News… They don’t even have to act very much.

  • It does sound like something that would appear on Fox News, albeit more articulate.

  • Anonymous

    That sounds about right.

  • Anonymous

    To all those offended by my recent statement of atheism on a public radio show and American Christians wall, I say, “if people put a gram of shit on an APPLE PIE it’s still a shitty pie.” No matter how you dress atheism up it is still shit! That’s right, I said what I mean and mean what I said. Atheism is shit and so are their perverted demonic leaders Dawkins and Hitchens

    Most people are able to recognize wide-eyed hysterical bigotry towards their own community when they see it. Most can also appreciate the difference between a criticism, even an angry one, of their ideas, and an unhinged rant of pure unadultered hatred.

    It’s really sad how many people somehow lose that ability when the same sort of thing is directed at another community, especially when it is one with very different ideas. Apparently the only problem they really have with it is the target, not the principle.

  • Similar to what I wrote in the other thread, Ernest seemed to be bragging about being so brave in criticizing Islam and leaves himself open to misunderstanding, as his statement sounds like it’s directed at a group of people, not an ideology.  I think the comparison to Fox News is appropriate, because they also have this attitude of being the brave defenders against Islam while making points that are anything but well-thought-out.

    I think there are too few people who criticize Islam, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to just like any negative statement made about Islam and/or Muslims by default.  Just because someone is on the same “side” as me (atheist or just someone who disagrees with religion) doesn’t mean I’m going to give them a pass on the details of what they say.And, yet again, I think I_Claudia makes a good point, especially this:

    It’s really sad how many people somehow lose that ability when the same sort of thing is directed at another community, especially when it is one with very different ideas. Apparently the only problem they really have with it is the target, not the principle.

  • Riptide

    I do think there’s a distinction worth drawing here; Ernest always referred to Islam, not to individual Muslims, in the portions of the rant I saw. While that armour might be too thin for most people, it’s good to keep in mind. Islam *is* a barbaric and terroristic ideology, regardless of how many moderate Muslims there are. It’s the Muslim women who *don’t* wear veils that are the radicals, who are “out of step” with the Muslim mainstream.

    That being said, the worst victims of Islam are *Muslims*, and we must never forget that. Ernest’s rant distracts from that simple truth by painting him (or even non-Muslim Americans) as the ones in harm’s way, when that just isn’t the case. It was ill-thought and ill-defended, and I cannot support it precisely because it’s so easy to confuse the diatribe against an ideology with a quasi-racist screed against the followers of that ideology. We need healthy “FUCK YOU”s to Islam and the tyrranical despots who use it to flog innocent people to death, an example of this Ernest’s rant was most certainly not.

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