New Police Chief Thinks Prayer Will Lower Crime Rates October 16, 2012

New Police Chief Thinks Prayer Will Lower Crime Rates

Hey, everyone! Crime is gonna go down in Winnipeg! Know how I know that?

Because the chief of police has a brilliant plan to lower crime rates… and he needs your help:

Winnipeg Chief of Police Devon Clunis

“I’m a little tired of us… being ‘[the] murder capital of Canada,'” says Devon Clunis, who was appointed chief of police at the beginning of October. “People consistently say, ‘How are you going to solve that?’ It’s not simply going to be because we’re going to go out there and police it away. I truly believe that prayer will be a significant piece of that.

“What would happen if we all just truly — I’m talking about all religious stripes here — started praying for the peace of this city and then actually started putting some action behind that?” he adds. “I believe something phenomenal is going to happen in our city. I truly believe it’s coming. I don’t think I’ve arrived at this position just by chance.”

Or you could just, you know, skip the whole prayer step and start taking action right away. I’m no cop but I’m pretty sure Phase One of making any city safer isn’t “Waste a lot of time doing nothing.”

I wonder who didn’t get this job. Did the runner-up suggest we just politely ask criminals to put their guns down?

(Thanks to Dorothy for the link)

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