The Birth of Anteater Jesus May 23, 2013

The Birth of Anteater Jesus

A female anteater at a zoo in Greenwich, Connecticut gave birth to a baby last month.

Mama anteater with baby anteater on her back (Bob Luckey – Greenwich Time)

That sounds perfectly normal.

Until you realize that female anteaters have a six month gestation period, and a male anteater hadn’t been in the same pen with her for over eight months…

The staff at the conservation center immediately got to wondering. Either this was a case of immaculate anteater conception, or [father?] Alf had somehow gotten the keys to [mother] Armani’s pen one night in October.

Three points:

1) This could be Anteater Jesus.

2) As the Get Religion blog notes, the “Immaculate Conception” doesn’t refer to the birth of Jesus. It refers to the birth of Mary.

3) Never forget that, in the face of something that appears supernatural, there’s probably a very natural explanation:

Marcella Leone, founder and director of the conservation center, has another idea. She thinks it might have been a case of delayed implantation, when fertilized eggs remain dormant in the uterus for a period of time.

Crazy woman. We know the truth. EVERYONE BOW DOWN TO ANTEATER JESUS!

(Thanks to Lauren for the link)

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