God is an Abusive Boyfriend (and You Should Break Up): The Book August 6, 2014

God is an Abusive Boyfriend (and You Should Break Up): The Book

I’ve written a few books in my time. One was with a “real” publisher, one was done more independently with the help of an editor, and one was a compilation of older blog posts. It’s time to try something different.

My latest project, launching today on Kickstarter, is a book all about how religious people ought to reconsider their “relationship” with a Supreme Being. It’s called God is an Abusive Boyfriend (and you should break up) and it’s based off this Atheist Voice video.

It may look like a children’s book, but the content is more complex than that:

Each two-page spread features Tracey Moody‘s artwork (which you’ve seen here) along with a reason God’s not the right partner for you. Here’s just a sample of what we mean:

Because it’s Kickstarter, we have a lot of rewards available to anyone willing to support this project, and if we’re able to hit our fundraising goal, we also have a lot of stretch goals (like more pages and high-quality printing) that we’d love to include!

Please consider donating to the project and spreading the word. Let’s initiate some breakups!

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