Secular Coalition for America Begins Releasing 2014 Midterm Election Report Cards September 18, 2014

Secular Coalition for America Begins Releasing 2014 Midterm Election Report Cards

The Secular Coalition for America is releasing Congressional report cards in advance of the upcoming midterm elections. They’re going alphabetically state-by-state and there are a hell of a lot of Fs floating around:

That’s for Sen. Jeff Sessions, but he’s not the only candidate receive failing grades down the line.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), Rep. Doug La Malfa (R-CA), Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL), Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL), and Illinois Senate candidate Jim Oberweis (R) don’t have a single passing grade on theirs, either.

And we’re only through the first quarter of states.

Then again, knowing these candidates, we’ll soon see these report cards posted on their Facebook pages as if they were badges of honor.

The rest of the report cards will be released over the next two weeks. Obviously, not every district is covered. The SCA is only focusing on the 50 House districts that did the worst on last year’s report card and 7 competitive Senate races.

The grades were assigned based on candidates’ statements regarding their stances on public funding for religious schools, public funding for faith-based initiatives, religion-based discrimination, abstinence-only sex education, and embryonic stem cell research.

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