Congressional Hearing on “Religious Accommodations” in the Military Gets Contentious November 20, 2014

Congressional Hearing on “Religious Accommodations” in the Military Gets Contentious

Yesterday, the U.S. House Armed Services Committee held a hearing on “Religious Accommodations in the Armed Services” — and Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation was one of the non-right-wing representatives on the panel.

You can now watch the hearing online. Weinstein begins speaking at the 25:18 mark, and his prepared remarks are here:

Weinstein drew a good chunk of attention every time he spoke, though nothing he said seemed to be all that controversial. (Listen up around the 46:30 mark to hear Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) comment about how the “end of the world” will come if we enforce religious neutrality on military leaders.)

If any other moments stand out to you, please leave the timestamp and summary in the comments!

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