There’s a Creationist Vending Machine in a Massachusetts Mall November 20, 2014

There’s a Creationist Vending Machine in a Massachusetts Mall

Reader Brian was visiting the Holyoke Mall in Massachusetts when he came across the strangest vending machine you’ll ever see…

It was selling books about Creationism written by Ken Ham:

Those books include The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved and Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions.

Brian says the price for the items is between $12-$14 each. But even if they were giving them away, it’d be too damn much.

And check out that slogan at the bottom of the machine: “Get your answers now!”

So here’s a simple question: What would be a better slogan for this vending machine? Let us know in the comments. As an extra incentive, I’ll be giving away a free shirt courtesy of Reasonist Products (you’ll get to pick which one, though an example is below):


If you’d like the chance to win a shirt, just leave the hashtag #WorstVendingMachineEver at the end of your comment and I’ll select a random winner next week!

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