Pastor Steven Anderson Releases Anti-Martin Luther King “Documentary” Called “Marxist Lucifer King” January 15, 2015

Pastor Steven Anderson Releases Anti-Martin Luther King “Documentary” Called “Marxist Lucifer King”

Pastor Steven Anderson has been releasing a bunch of strange right-wing documentaries lately. There was the one about how AIDS is the “Judgment of God” and the one the horrors of birth control.

And now we have one trashing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called Marxist Lucifer King:

… the truth is that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a wicked false prophet, a sexual pervert, and a Communist tool. This film is not about race!

The gist of the movie seems to be that King was a Baptist preacher… but not Anderson’s flavor of Baptist. Therefore, King was a heretic.

Actually, the most interesting part about the movie I saw last night (in the few minutes I could stand to watch) was the different view of Anderson’s church:

As always, if you watch the movie and anything stands out, please leave a time stamp and summary in the comments.

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