Woman Who Vandalized Satanic Display in FL Capitol: Being Punished Would Be an Attack on My Faith January 30, 2015

Woman Who Vandalized Satanic Display in FL Capitol: Being Punished Would Be an Attack on My Faith

Last month, we learned that The Satanic Temple’s display in the Florida State Capitol Building had been vandalized.

It turned out that the vandal was Susan Hemeryck, a 54-year-old Tea Party activist who wore a shirt with the phrase “Catholic Warrior” on it.

Susan Hemeryck (via Leon County Sheriff’s Office)

At the time, she said this about her crime:

[Hemeryck] had only one regret about Tuesday’s incident.

‘I just yanked that little devil off the fishing line,’ she said. ‘I should have just done a better job and finished it off for good.’

There was even security camera footage of Hemeryck walking out with the display:

Yesterday, in court, Hemeryck pled not guilty on misdemeanor charges of criminal mischief. How is that even possible when there’s videotape evidence against her?

“We are not sure there was a crime,” Hemeryck’s attorney Mike Bauer said. “I think this case represents the state basically putting an attack on Christians. That would be her viewpoint.”

She vandalized The Satanic Temple’s property… but, because she faces punishment for her crime, it’s an attack on her faith.

There’s some #ChristianLogic for you.

Her next court date is March 4.

(Large portions of this article were posted earlier)

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