Since the Catholic Church Won’t Do It, Let’s Help These Nuns Living in a Freezing Church Because Their Boilers Died February 21, 2015

Since the Catholic Church Won’t Do It, Let’s Help These Nuns Living in a Freezing Church Because Their Boilers Died

What a depressing story about a group of selfless nuns:

The small group of nuns who work and live in the Fraternite Notre Dame on the city’s West Side have dedicated their lives to helping families, children, and people who are terminally ill — but now they are the ones in need of help.

During the year’s worst cold snap, both of the church’s massive boilers weren’t working, leaving the women trying to survive without heat in the record-breaking subzero temperatures.

For those of you not living in or around Chicago… it’s really goddamn cold here. Tears-in-your-face-when-you-walk-outside cold. I was on a bus the other day for two hours with a broken heater and it was like a frozen hell.

The people who normally rely on the nuns for help had this to say:

“They said to us, ‘We are going to pray to God for you to find some help,’” She said.

Well, that’s not gonna do anything.

Thankfully, a local middle school teacher, Mark Fratella, set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for repairs:

The campaign goal of $40,000 is enough to pay for temporary equipment to heat the building until the spring.

However, a permanent solution would be new boilers and proper insulation to a building that is more than a century old, which could cost up to $200,000.

I’m happy to say Fratella has already hit the $40,000 mark, but if you’d like to help get them closer to $200,000, you’d be doing a favor for some very deserving people.

And, if you want, tell them you’re an atheist. That shouldn’t stop anyone from appreciating the work they do to help those less fortunate.

Now… can someone please explain to me why the Catholic Church isn’t paying for these repairs?

(Thanks to Renee for the link)

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