Freedom From Religion Foundation Will Receive $82,765.95 from Reddit February 26, 2015

Freedom From Religion Foundation Will Receive $82,765.95 from Reddit

Reddit recently announced a program in which it will give away 10% of its advertising revenue to various charities. It amounts to more than $82,000 per group.

There was a mad scramble for organizations to get votes — including a number of atheist-friendly groups — and Reddit just announced the winners. Coming in 9th place and winning $82,765.95?

The Freedom From Religion Foundation!

Alright, so I’m a little bummed that Foundation Beyond Belief didn’t make the cut, but I’m thrilled that a deserving church/state separation group will take home the money to further their work. As any reader of this site knows, FFRF’s contributions are invaluable. Huge thanks to everyone who voted!

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