Creating New Life from Death, the Atheist Way April 5, 2015

Creating New Life from Death, the Atheist Way

For atheists who wonder what should be done with their bodies after they die, here’s a really neat option, courtesy of the Urban Death Project:

The Urban Death Project is a compost-based renewal system. At the heart of the project is a three-story core, within which bodies and high-carbon materials are placed.

Over the span of a few months, with the help of aerobic decomposition and microbial activity, the bodies decompose fully, leaving a rich compost.

The Urban Death Project is not simply a system for turning our bodies into soil-building material. It is also a space for the contemplation of our place in the natural world, and a ritual to help us say goodbye to our loved ones by connecting us with the cycles of nature.

Definitely an interesting alternative for atheists who have no desire to be buried six feet under or cremated and who may not want to donate their bodies to science. The project is just under halfway funded on Kickstarter and could use a boost from supporters.

And if that doesn’t work, there’s always biodegradable pods.

(Thanks to Dave for the link)

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