New TV Show Will Highlight Modern-Day Miracles… (Because Trying to Explain Them Would Require Thought) June 13, 2015

New TV Show Will Highlight Modern-Day Miracles… (Because Trying to Explain Them Would Require Thought)

Looks like TLC will soon be airing a show that’s the antithesis of Mythbusters.

Instead of trying to get to the bottom of various myths — that takes too much work — Answered Prayers will just assume that whatever unexplained coincidences people share with them are part of God’s Master Plan.

Answered Prayers explores modern-day miracles hosted by celebrated actress and producer Roma Downey…

The series follows the remarkable stories of people in life-threatening situations who have experienced moments so inexplicable, so incredible that they can only be described as divine intervention.

Because when you can’t explain it, it’s gotta be God.

Sure, they could have a team of researchers and scientists propose rational explanations for why certain things happened… but why put the audience through that when you can just feed them some piping-hot bullshit instead?

I also suspect they won’t bother explaining why God put these people in life-threatening situations in the first place…

I don’t know what genre of show this is, but I know “reality TV” is completely inappropriate.

(via The Blaze. Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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