If You Want to Defund Planned Parenthood, Think Through the Consequences First July 19, 2015

If You Want to Defund Planned Parenthood, Think Through the Consequences First

Planned Parenthood, which is constantly under fire from conservatives who treat it like a giant abortionplex, provides an incredible number of services that are not-at-all controversial. If anti-abortion advocates ever got their wish and Planned Parenthood shut down entirely, a lot of women would struggle finding health care as comprehensive and affordable. We’ve already seen that happen in certain places and the consequences are devastating.

Anyone who suggests otherwise is delusional.


Now check out what happens when Dianna E. Anderson explains all of that to Christian journalist Jonathan Merritt:

*Slow clap*

In case you missed it, you should also listen to Anderson talk about the problem with purity culture. She knows what she’s talking about.

(Image via Susan Montgomery / Shutterstock.com)

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