“Atheist in Foxholes” Monument in Madison Honors Non-Religious Veterans October 7, 2015

“Atheist in Foxholes” Monument in Madison Honors Non-Religious Veterans

Now outside the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s headquarters is this 4,743-pound granite monument:

FFRF Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker stand next to the new memorial

The monument, made of the same South Dakota granite that Mount Rushmore is carved from, is more than 7 feet high, reflects the long windows that are part of the original 1855 building and provides a focus for the new Rose Zerwick Memorial Garden and Courtyard adjoining Freethought Hall’s new entrance. A teak bench opposite the display provides a spot for reflection.

The monument text concludes with a pacific plea: “Presented with hope that in the future humankind may learn to avoid all war.”

“FFRF deals with so many state/church entanglements regarding all branches of the military, where substantial incursions by aggressive evangelicals have been made. This monument not only honors nonreligious veterans, but serves as a reminder to our nation that — contrary to that tired, old, untrue cliché — there are indeed many ‘atheists in foxholes,’” said Annie Laurie Gayor, FFRF co-founder and co-president.

Coincidentally, the monument went up less than 24 hours after Oklahoma’s Ten Commandments monument outside the State Capitol came down.

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