Military Atheists and Secular Students Will Have Faithless Float in Clarksville Christmas Parade December 4, 2015

Military Atheists and Secular Students Will Have Faithless Float in Clarksville Christmas Parade

If you get a chance to watch the Clarksville Christmas Parade in Tennessee this Saturday, be on the lookout for a float by the Military Atheists & Secular Humanists of Fort Campbell (MASH) and Austin Peay State University Students for Secular Humanism. It’ll be the one with this lovely “O Come All Ye Faithless” banner:

“We are people that enjoy the holidays just like everyone else, but we don’t subscribe to the religious dogma,” says MASH member Patrick Horst, an active duty soldier at Fort Campbell.

He said last year’s float was well received. “People are very tolerant, they understand that everyone is not Christian and we even picked up a few new members from having a float in the parade last year,” Horst said.

Even if they don’t get new members, it’s a great way to show the crowd that atheists are just as much a part of this community as everyone else.

(Thanks to Patrick for the images. Thanks to Virginia for the link)

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