Who Cares if That Colander on Your Head Makes You Look Ridiculous? January 30, 2016

Who Cares if That Colander on Your Head Makes You Look Ridiculous?

The downside of wearing a colander in your driver’s license picture to honor your Pastafarian faith?

Your wife’s gonna be furious.


One wrote to John Hodgman, a comedian/author who dispenses advice in the New York Times:

Sarah writes: My husband is an atheist. He recently informed me that for his next driver’s-license photo, he plans to wear a colander on his head and will claim to be a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Please order him not to do this.

You can see Hodgman’s response here. Glad he’s taking a clear-headed approach to the matter.

(Image via Shutterstock. Thanks to Scott for the link)

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