Oregon Occupier Countersues U.S. Government for $666,666,666,666.66 February 18, 2016

Oregon Occupier Countersues U.S. Government for $666,666,666,666.66

Shawna Cox is one of the anti-government protesters who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon recently. She’s been charged with conspiracy along with more than a dozen of her colleagues, but she has a plan to fight back.

In a counter-lawsuit filed yesterday, she claims that the U.S. government is working for the devil and asks for $666,666,666,666.66 in damages.


I claim I and the others involved in these actions have suffered damages from the works of the devil in excess of $666,666,666,666.66

The devil is really the least of her problems…

The lawsuit wasn’t signed by a lawyer and her actual lawyer had no comment. Which is unfortunate, since I would have *loved* to hear the reaction when she found out what her client did.

(Thanks to Jaynee for the link)

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