Gina Makes the Case For Death With Dignity With Just Four Utterly Convincing Words April 12, 2016

Gina Makes the Case For Death With Dignity With Just Four Utterly Convincing Words

Gina is an agnostic woman in New Zealand who has has a genetic order that’s severely weakening her muscles. She is completely bed-ridden and can no longer speak. Sounds hurts her ears, and light does the same to her eyes, so she lies in the dark, in silence, waiting for the end.

A three-minute mini-documentary about Gina shows her communicating by touch alphabet. And though she has lost her physical voice, she gets her message across with startling clarity.


Gina is asked what she would say to people who oppose voluntary euthanasia. And her response is a smack-you-upside-the-head zinger.

Swap places with me.”

In the United States, Death With Dignity statutes are now in place in Oregon, Washington, and Vermont, with California looking to join that group later this year. You can donate to the national action organization here; if you hurry, gifts will be matched by an anonymous donor, so your money goes twice as far.

Previous Friendly Atheist coverage of voluntary euthanasia is here, here, and here.

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