A New Documentary Will Investigate the Social Stigma and Civil Rights Aspects of Atheism May 7, 2016

A New Documentary Will Investigate the Social Stigma and Civil Rights Aspects of Atheism

Filmmaker Micael Langer is working on a documentary exploring how tough it is to be an atheist in this world. That means looking at the stigma against us, as well as how atheists are responding to it all.

His film is called Godless and you’ll want to watch this trailer straight through. Regular readers of this site will recognize a lot of the interviewees (not to mention a lot of the disturbing clips):


Langer says he’s done with about a third of the film, but he’s raising money to conduct more interviews, do post-production, and market/distribute the movie when it’s done. If you’d like to chip in — and there are a lot of perks depending on how much you give — you can do so right here.

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